CAM Application for MoluleWorks

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Designing Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) applications is a highly intricate process, involving the management of thousands of parts and layers. These layers vary in their stages of completion, with some being fully designed and others in the midst of development. Moreover, some layers are destined for CNC machining, while others are intended for 3D printing. The complexity of this environment is substantial.

However, despite the intricacy, a seamless user experience coupled with a well-crafted user interface can significantly simplify this complexity. By incorporating an intuitive interface and user-friendly interactions, we strive to make intricate tasks smarter and more accessible.

Allow me to present a segment of a CAM application that I have previously designed, specifically for ModuleWorks in Germany. This segment encapsulates our approach, emphasizing a harmonious blend of sophisticated technology and user-centric design principles.

  • User Login initiates the process by providing login credentials.
  • Authentication validates the user and grants access to the Dashboard.
  • From the Dashboard, users can create new projects, access existing ones, manage tools, simulate, optimize, set up machines, perform post-processing, and handle collaboration and sharing.
  • Geometry Import allows importing 3D models into the application.
  • Toolpath Generation generates toolpaths based on imported geometry.
  • Tool Library manages cutting tools and their parameters.
  • Simulation allows users to simulate toolpaths and material removal.
  • Optimization optimizes toolpaths for efficiency.
  • Machine Setup configures CNC machine parameters.
  • Post-Processing generates G-code for the CNC machine.
  • Quality Control involves inspecting and validating machined parts.
  • Documentation generates reports and documentation related to the project.
  • Collaboration and Sharing allow users to collaborate and share projects.
  • Settings enable users to configure application settings and preferences.
  • Support and Updates provide access to technical support and updates.
  • Finally, Logout ends the user session.

What we did

  • Concept,
  • UX,
  • Wireframe